Friday, July 16, 2010

What it's really like

I was killing time today in the very chi-chi north oakland/berkeley area on college ave (think organic, local, sustainable, hand-made, indigenous = very expensive and exclusive). Note, I have all 4 kids in tow. First, we go in a "local" jewelery store where the diamonds are all "humanely harvested" just to check out the price for replacing my engagement and wedding ring that I let my 2 year old lose at a park a few months ago. Suffice it to say, we were hated right out of the store. Even my 14 year old daughter was turned off, "I would never spend my money at a place that treated me like that." My boys got barked at, I was frostily helped. I think that when you show up with that many kids in tow it says something about you (something jewelery store owners don't like) - it says: I don't have enough money for 1. a nanny or 2. summer camp. Then I get hit up for money by the ACLU guy. Instead of just accepting my "no" he guilt tripped me. Something along the lines of, "No time to protect the rights of (name your under-served minority)?" I lied and said that my account was overdrawn. Actually my account had a wopping $50.00. But it had been overdrawn about 2 hours previously. After over-sharing with this complete stranger I then couldn't follow through with my promise to take my kids to the EXPENSIVE but admittedly delicious ice cream store, Ici, because the ACLU guy would see me and know I was a liar. We ended up somewhere around the corner that was so much more our our class anyway - the doughnut store...where we over ate repulsive chinese-american food like the gluttonous poor white trash we are.

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